Enrollment and Attendance FAQs

Who is eligible to attend Washington Virtual Academies (WAVA)?
Students in grades K-12 who actively reside in Washington state are eligible for enrollment. Visit our How to Enroll page for a complete listing of enrollment requirements.
Can I enroll my child in both WAVA and another school?
It depends on your resident school district’s and WAVA’s part-time enrollment requirements. If you meet WAVA’s part-time enrollment policy and your resident school district allows part-time enrollment, we are happy to support an inter-local agreement that enables your student to enroll in both programs. If parents/guardians would like to maintain their homeschool status, an Intent to Homeschool form must be filed with their resident district and WAVA for courses not taken as part of our program.
How many of my children can I enroll in WAVA?
Because WAVA provides the lesson plans and materials needed for grades K–12, many parents find it easy to enroll multiple children in the program. We currently have families with a large number of children in the program being guided by one teaching adult in conjunction with the support of WAVA teachers.
What does it cost to attend WAVA?
WAVA is a public school, so there is no tuition. We provide state-certified teachers and instructional materials. Students and families will be responsible for providing some common household materials (such as printer ink and paper). In addition, families are required to provide their own computers and internet access to participate in the program. Students qualifying for Free or Reduced Meals, or those receiving special education services through WAVA, qualify for a loaner laptop to complete schooling with our program.
What is the attendance policy?
WAVA works with families to achieve a positive attendance record that meets the required 180 instructional days. Per Washington Alternative Learning Experience requirements, students are required to maintain weekly contact with assigned teachers and staff. Additionally, WAVA staff expects students to attend all required live sessions and respond to school emails.
Can our family take a vacation during the school year?
The school calendar includes school holidays or vacation time. Whenever possible, family vacations should align with school vacation days. Parents are encouraged to contact their student’s teacher if they plan a vacation that does not coordinate with the school calendar.