Fall Outings are in the Air
Welcome to October and Fall! Leaves are turning colors, the air is crisp and cool, pumpkins are out on the front porch and slow cookers are on the countertop with the smell of Fall in the air! This month at WAVA you can enjoy our Fall Outings! We want our students to connect and meet other families and grow friendships. Each week we have outings listed and provide opportunties for students and families to meet! This month is special with some Fall Fests, Park Days, Pumpkin Path Visits and more! You can check the outings list and attend at any time! If you don’t see one if your area, please reach out to your teacher with an idea for an outing! Are you doing Autumn themed crafts, projects, activites or baking at home? Students can share their pics with other WAVA students on the WAVA Padlet! Our outings and padlet can be found on the WAVA Bulletin Board, https://www.wavabulletinboard.com.
Happy Fall Y’all
Hailey Chamberlain | WAVA K12 Community Engagement