Testing and Assessment FAQs

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What tests are required as part of the program?

Students who are enrolled full-time in WAVA are required to take the following state-mandated assessments:

  • Smarter Balanced English/Language Arts (SBA ELA)—grades 3–8
  • Smarter Balanced Mathematics (SBA MTH)—grades 3–8
  • Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS)—grades 5, 8, and 11

How are state assessments given?

Students who live more than one hour from the nearest testing site may choose to travel to the nearest available testing site, or request that their exams be scheduled with their legal resident school district instead. Certain eligibility requirements apply.

Failure to attend required assessments may result in the student not meeting graduation requirements, being placed on an intervention plan, or being ineligible for re-enrollment in the future.

Are there any retake options?

Are there any school wide assessments I will take from home?

Students may also be given other assessments in the online classroom to measure progress, such as:

  • Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
  • Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP)
  • Aimsweb Plus

Do I have to participate in state testing?

Full-time WAVA students and those with an enrollment 0.8 FTE or greater are required to participate in state mandated academic assessments, all assessments required by WAVA, and other assessments as mandated by local district policy. Failure to participate in required assessments will result in student withdrawal from WAVA at the end of the school year and ineligibility for reenrollment with WAVA.

Part-time students who are less than 0.8 FTE receiving home-based instruction (and who have an Intent to Homeschool form currently on file with WAVA and their resident district) under Chapter 28A.200.RCW or who are enrolled in an approved private school under chapter 28A.195.RCS are not required to participate in the state assessments. Part-time students may opt in to participate in state assessments.